Globale dermatologie

Keanu Reeves and Alopecia Areata

Keanu Charles Reeves (born in 1964) is a Canadian actor who has starred in many movies such as Speed, the Matrix Trilogy, and Little Buddha. In this photo (above) of a movie he played in (“I love you to Death” as Marlon James, 1990), circumscribed well-defined non scarring balding patches are seen on the scalp […]

Sunday, April 5th, 2015

Alopecia Areata: additional treatment options

Alopecia Areata (AA) is an inflammatory cause of non-scarring alopecia which carries a lifetime risk 1.7% Treatment options now available include, topical and intralesional steroids, Diphencyprone (DCP), oral steroids (in pulse dose) Genetics is poorly understood: innate and adaptive immunity The cause of the infiltrate of T cells at the base of hair follicles is […]

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

Alopecia Areata: Measuring Disease Activity

Serum granulysin as a possible key marker of the activity of alopecia areata. Ono S, Otsuka A, Yamamoto Y, Kataoka TR, Koyanagi I, Miyachi Y, Kabashima K. J Dermatol Sci. 2014 Jan;73(1):74-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2013.08.009. Epub 2013 Sep 2. Alopecia areata (AA) is an auto-immune inflammatory dermatosis of the scalp resulting in non-scarring rounded patches of […]

Friday, March 21st, 2014

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata What is alopecia areata? Alopecia areata is a common skin disorder seen in children and young adults. It is characterized by hair loss in localized round areas on the scalp, the beard area and occasionally on the eyebrows . A positive family history for alopecia areata is found in 10% to 20% of […]

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

Localized non-scarring alopecia: What is Ophiasis ?

The Greek word of origin is: οφις = ophis = snake This term is used when alopecia areata affects the occipital and parietal areas of the scalp. When the alopecic plaques are horizontal, and that they merge together, they appear as a sinuous line which reminds us of a snake. This type tends to extend […]

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Hair loss (alopecia)

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Why do we lose hairs ? Normal hair grows in cycles and goes through 3 stages: A growing phase (anagen) A resting phase (catagen) A falling phase  (telogen) At any time, it may be normal for a person to lose as many as 50 hairs a day and […]

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

Leukotrichia: what the word means

This term comes from 2 Greek words : λευκóς= leukos = white θρίξ = trix = hair The term is less and less used nowadays. It is not found in recent  dermatological textbooks. Leukotrichia means having white hair. Nevertheless, it does NOT give any precision whether this white hair is pathological or normal (a sign […]

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Porrigo : have you heard this (If not it’s normal !)

The word comes from latin: Porrigere = to extend If one looks in old dermatology textbooks which includes Alibert’s (1768-1837) famous atlas; on will surely stumble upon this term. By trying to find the skin condition corresponding to this term, one quickly realizes that there is a great confusion surrounding this word. Willan and Bateman […]

Saturday, October 25th, 2014

頭皮皮膚炎 (漢語)

脂溢性皮膚炎(頭皮屑) 脂溢性皮膚炎的病因不明。脂溢性皮膚炎可分為兩類︰ (i) 小兒脂溢性皮膚炎–常見於新生兒與嬰兒 (ii) 成人脂溢性皮膚炎–常見於中年人。 脂溢性皮膚炎表現為頭部覆蓋有黃色油膩性鱗屑。頭皮底層顯紅色。輕微症狀者僅局部頭皮受到影響。較嚴重的患者可能整個頭皮都覆蓋有鱗屑並泛紅。 脂溢性皮膚炎可能會影響到眉毛、臉頰內側、胸部、背部和腹股溝等部位的皮膚。 可能會或不會出現發癢症狀。 盡管有報導稱脂溢性皮膚炎與酵母菌感染有關,但並不是由真菌感染引起。 HIV 感染者可能出現非常嚴重的脂溢性皮膚炎。 溫和的抗菌或抗真菌洗發露及溫和的外用類固醇膏或凝膠可治療脂溢性皮膚炎。病情可能反覆。 頭皮銀屑病 銀屑病是一種皮膚細胞更新速率加快的皮膚炎症。 表現為皮膚和頭皮上覆蓋有厚厚的鱗屑。皮膚病表現為頭皮和髮際線處散佈有鱗屑斑,並且此病通常會擴散至前額皮膚和頭皮兩側。斑塊呈粉紅色,並覆蓋有銀色鱗屑。 銀屑病通常無搔癢症狀。 但可能導致發生指甲病變。 可用煤焦油洗髮露和煤焦油藥膏或外用類固醇噴劑或凝膠治療頭皮銀屑病。 接觸性皮膚炎和皮膚過敏 接觸性皮膚炎是一種由接觸外部物質而引起的炎症。 頭皮刺激性接觸性皮膚炎可能是由於濫用藥用洗髮露和化學藥物(如美白乳霜、電髮水和頭皮受熱過度)而引起的。 許多頭髮和頭皮外用制劑可引起皮膚過敏。頭皮刺激性接觸皮膚炎的最常見誘因是染髮劑過敏。其他潛在過敏原包括洗髮露中的香精、電髮水中的化學制劑和洗髮水與頭髮/頭皮霜中的藥物/防腐劑。 皮膚炎表現為頭皮、髮際線和耳朵部位有鱗屑紅斑,並有搔癢感。嚴重者可能出現水皰和腫脹等症狀。亦可能出現眼皮浮腫。 如果出現接觸性皮膚炎的症狀,您應諮詢醫師進行治療並檢查確定病因。您可採取預防措施防止復發。請務必進行皮膚接觸測試以確定過敏原。 扁平苔蘚 扁平苔蘚是一種皮膚炎性病變,可能留下頭皮禿斑痕。 扁平苔蘚的病因不明。 頭皮開始出現紅色略帶紫色的斑點或斑塊,影響面積可能擴大並導致掉髮。炎症消退後,受影響的皮膚將結疤並變禿。皮膚病通常帶有搔癢感,並且可能引起口腔黏膜病和指甲病變。在身體的其他部位,扁平苔蘚表現為鱗屑斑塊,並帶有搔癢感。 通常,扁平苔蘚數年後會自動消失。 頭皮扁平苔蘚應盡早治療,以避免頭皮結疤和永久禿頂。您可選擇在受影響的皮膚區使用外用類固醇或病灶內注射類固醇。 盤狀紅斑狼瘡(DLE) 這是一種主要影響皮膚的自體免疫性疾病。 表現為頭皮變禿並覆蓋有鱗屑紅斑。皮膚變薄,並且可在斑塊上看到明顯的毛細血管。結疤的斑塊上掉髮嚴重,並且此類掉髮通常是永久性的。此類皮膚病既沒有疼痛也沒有搔癢症狀。通常,面部和耳部等其他部位的皮膚亦會受影響,此類皮膚病通常對陽光敏感。 您需要進行皮膚活檢等實驗室測試以確診。 頭皮扁平苔蘚應盡早治療,以避免頭皮結疤和禿頂。此疾病可獲得有效治療,但結疤的皮膚病通常療效不佳。 但此疾病可能偶爾會影響肺、腎和心贓等內臟,進而引髮系統性紅斑狼瘡症。 因此,如果患有盤狀紅斑狼瘡,請務必定期檢查就診。 盤狀(慢性)紅斑狼瘡 斑禿 這是一種皮膚自體免疫性疾病。 頭皮通常亦會受影響。表現為頭皮任意位置出現一塊或多塊禿斑。其開始時通常不會泛紅,亦不會發癢。頭髮突然一束束掉落,几天後頭皮完全光禿,只剩斑塊。但底層皮膚完全正常。 斑禿的病因不明。 大多數患者會在几個月後自動恢復健康。 嚴重者的整個頭皮都會受影響,進而導致完全禿頂。 此疾病極少與甲狀腺等其他疾病相關。 治療方法包括定期在病灶內注射類固醇或在受影響皮膚區塗抹化學藥物,以緩解過敏反應。您應盡早諮詢醫生進行治療。未結疤的光滑頭皮區亦會掉髮。 斑禿 © 2009 編著者 徐華昌醫生 (Christophe Hsu) – […]

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

What does a dermatologist do ?

A dermatologist is qualified in the diagnosis, treatment and management (referral to other specialists if needed) of the following disorders: Acne, Actinic Keratosis, Alopecia Areata, Athlete’s Foot, Atopic Dermatitis Bed Bugs, Blepharoplasty (surgery of the eyelids), Boils, Bruises, Bug Bites and Stings Corns, Cysts Diaper Rash, Dry Skin Eczema, Erythema Nodosum Folliculitis, Freckles, Frostbite, Fungal […]

Friday, March 29th, 2013
image description