Section : Collection of Old Dermatology Books

Pictures Still Recognizable Nowadays: Moritz Kaposi (1881): Leçons sur les maladies de la peau

Pictures Still Recognizable Nowadays: Moritz Kaposi (1881): Leçons sur les maladies de la peau

body louse (pediculosis humanus corporis)

dermal papillae

dermatophytes (pictoral classification)

eczema (chronic)

hair follicle (transverse section)

head louse (pediculosis humanus capitis)

keloid scar

Langer lines (Relaxed skin tension lines)

nits (pediculosis humanus corporis eggs)

pityriasis versicolor

pubic louse (Phthyrus pubis)

scabies burrow

scabies female mite

Did you know ?

  • Sarcoptes scabiei was first proposed to be the cause of Scabies in a 19th century medical thesis.
  • It was demonstrated publicly by its Author, Ranucci in Paris:

The mite was taken out of the burrow with a needle and its presence was dramatically revealed. Interestingly the college of professors didn’t believe him.

scabies (norwegian scabies crusts)

Squamous cell carcinoma

tinea unguium (nail dermatophyte infection)(potassium hydroxide scrape)

Vascularisation (arterial  supply) of the skin.

Source of information made available through