Section : Stars de Cinéma

Keanu Reeves and Alopecia Areata

keanu reeves the matrix

  • Keanu Charles Reeves (born in 1964) is a Canadian actor who has starred in many movies such as Speed, the Matrix Trilogy, and Little Buddha.

keanu reeves alopecia areata

  • In this photo (above) of a movie he played in (« I love you to Death » as Marlon James, 1990), circumscribed well-defined non scarring balding patches are seen on the scalp and beard area: this suggests a straightforward diagnosis of alopecia areata. Here below is another more recent picture for you to appreciate.

keanu reeves

To read more on alopecia areata, CLICK HERE

To read all our articles on alopecia areata, CLICK HERE

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Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland

Bibliography CLICK HERE (See 5th paragraph; with permission)

Images: Wikipedia