Globale dermatologie

Conseils pour la prise en charge de la dermatite atopique (DA) (Pour les professionnels)

Prévention contre les infections eviter le caoutchouc (jouets): risque folliculite à bactéries GRAM – Bains dans de l’eau salée 9g de NaCl dans 1 litre d’eau (augmenter progressivement jusqu’à 30-36g de NaCl) dans du KMnO4 1/10000: ne pas appliquer sur le visage (efficace, augmente le pH de la peau que très légèrement (paradoxal) mais diminue […]

jeudi, octobre 14th, 2010

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Vieillissement cutané (vieillissement de la peau) (Pour les professionnels)

Skin Aging: en raison de la compréhension encore partielle de l’association, nous avons sélectionné l’article suivant dans la littérature scientifique. Von Wurmb-Schwark N, Ringleb A, Schwark T, Broese T, Weirich S, Schlaefke D, Wegener R, Oehmichen M. The effect of chronic alcohol consumption on mitochondrial DNA mutagenesis in human blood. Mutat Res. 2008 Jan 1;637(1-2):73-9. […]

lundi, juillet 19th, 2010

Atopic Dermatitis: a Short Summary

Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin which affects around 5% of the population. It is more prevalent in children living in industrialized nations with 15-20% affected. Initial presentation is under the age of four in 2/3 of cases. Global pollution and allergen-rich environment are some of the factors which explain high […]

vendredi, avril 10th, 2015

Bob Marley and Melanoma

Bob Marley (; 1945-1981) was a Jamaican singer who participated importantly in the development Reggae and was part part of the cultural « Rastafari » movement He was a big soccer enthusiast and in summer of 1976 he traumatized his right toenail. It was diagnosed as a wound lesion and slowly appeared to be healing. However, such […]

lundi, mars 30th, 2015

Rhododenol (Rhododendrol)-induced leukoderma: an objective way to ascertain normalization of the skin

This study suggests an objective way to follow-up of rhododenol-induced vitiligo by skin absorption spectrum analysis A word on Rhododenol (Rhododendrol): Rhododendrol (Rhododenol) is is derived from the white birch tree it inhibits tyrosinase activity and melanin synthesis Vitiligo-like lesions were observed and in march 2014, 14000 cases were reported in Japan alone In this […]

lundi, décembre 15th, 2014

Molecules AGAINST Tanning in the cosmetic world

In early 20th century Europe, it was considered a mark of « low-class », as it was assimilated with outdoor professional activities. It is quite fashionable to tan in Western societies (Europe and North America), but is definitely not fashionable in Asia. Tanning is a process induced by ultraviolet light and is a protective mechanism to shield […]

dimanche, décembre 14th, 2014

Young Skin or when the Cell Nucleus can communicate with the Cytoplasm (Cytosol)

The nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the cytosol (cytoplasm) several proteins shape are part of its different layers. its role is to maintain mRNA and protein trafficking Lamin A and C are 2 of the main proteins. Its coding gene LMNA is mutated in the premature aging syndrome called the Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome Progerin […]

samedi, décembre 13th, 2014

Tinea Amiantacea: a less confusing term when put in a historical context

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

jeudi, novembre 6th, 2014

Leukotrichia: what the word means

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

mardi, novembre 4th, 2014

Alcohol-induced vasculitis

Alcohol-induced vasculitis: case report and commentary. Abuabara K, Samimi S, Chu EY, Bluebond ND, James WD, Merkel PA. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Feb;70(2):e42-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2013.10.014. In this interesting case report, the authors depict the story of a 26 year old woman developing erythematous macules and papules occuring a few hours after consuming an alcoholic […]

vendredi, août 1st, 2014
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